Saturday, July 13, 2013

Kiddos and depots

Hi everyone! While on the hunt for a new nanny i took the kids with me to valencia city a few days ago. The scorching midday heat made my two loves cranky. I  looked for a playpen for them to play in while I thought I'd go run a few errands. Found one on the third level of NVM Mall.

On a scale of 1 to 10 I'd give it a 6.5. Toys were clean and floors were well cushioned.  Problem was the kids couldn't be left without adults waiting on the waiting area. Poof went my idea of running a few errands while the kids were busy playing inside the depot. While there was a waiting area with a mini cafeteria there werent a lot of food choices. Most were junkfood.  No free wifi either. Hourly rates are at 75.
Anyway, the kids enjoyed it so whatever the depot lacked the smile on my lovies' faces made up for it. And I'd definitely bring them back to Kid's Depot when i tag them along to Valencia City. See the happy happy happy faces:

Bye for now. More, more and more soon. :)